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Senior Counsel appointed to review Department of Justice and Equality

Following consultation with the Attorney General, the Taoiseach has appointed Mr. Michael Collins, Senior Counsel, to conduct an independent review of the practices and procedures employed by the Department of Justice and Equality in response to requests for documents from the Disclosures Tribunal chaired by Supreme Court Judge the Hon. Mr. Justice Peter Charleton.

The review will involve a thorough examination of the actions taken by the Department in responding to such requests, relevant documents and records, the processes used within the Department, and communication to and from senior management and the Minister.

The review will set out the facts as found, together with such observations or comments as are considered necessary.  It may also advise on what further measures, if any, might be taken to address any concerns arising from the review.

Mr. Collins has been asked to use his best endeavours to report to the Taoiseach on or before 19 January 2018 or at the earliest possible date thereafter.

20171212-Independent review by senior counsel of the response of the department of justice and equality .pdf (size 196.8 KB)