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Shared Island Dialogue to examine enhanced rural connections and community development on the island

Rural and community groups, business organisations, social enterprise coordinators and Government agencies North and South are coming together in Drumhowan, Co. Monaghan tomorrow (Friday 20 May 2022), to discuss linkages and cooperation in rural and community development on the island of Ireland. Enabling Rural and Community Development on a Shared Island is the tenth event in the Shared Island Dialogue series, which aims to foster constructive and inclusive civic dialogue with all communities and traditions on a shared future on the island, underpinned by the Good Friday Agreement.  Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys TD will open the event, which is the first of the regional Dialogues in 2022. Speaking ahead of the Dialogue, Minister Humphreys said, "Rural communities have a strong tradition of working together and fostering connections across the island, in business, farming and indeed on social enterprise and community development.  We need to recognise and facilitate that more, as part of how we realise the full, exciting potential of these parts of our island. Taking up new opportunities - for instance on the roll out of connected hubs in rural areas given the role that remote working now plays in our economy and communities."


"There are so many reasons to look at how we can collaboratively foster community development and social enterprise across the island. Our people, community groups and social initiatives have deep and dynamic connections, and community leaders want to do more together on a shared island basis.  Today’s Dialogue will help shape how the Government, working with our partners in Northern Ireland, supports rural and community development on a shared island basis."


A panel discussion on Social Enterprise for Thriving Communities will hear from people working in communities and social enterprises along the border, in an all-island capacity and internationally, on the role of social enterprises in rural communities and how collaboration and co-operation can be enhanced on a regional and island-wide basis. A second panel on the Transformational Potential of Rural Hubs, will focus on the potential for rural hubs to support economic development and employability in rural areas North and South. You can watch the Dialogue live from 11am on Friday 20 May 2022 at the following link:

-Ends-Note to Editor:Shared Island Dialogue series

  • This Dialogue is the tenth event in the Shared Island Dialogue series that was launched by the Taoiseach in October 2020 to foster constructive and inclusive civic dialogue with all communities and traditions on a shared future on the island, underpinned by the Good Friday Agreement.
  • Content from the event will be posted on social media throughout the day by @merrionstreet and you can follow the discussion online using #SharedIsland
  • The Shared Island Dialogue series has been focusing on important issues for the future of the island, including climate change and environment, equality, education and economic recovery.  The previous Dialogue in February, Breaking down barriers and tackling shared challenges: Sport cooperation on the island, can be viewed here.
  • The Dialogue series is contributing to the Government’s approach to the Shared Island initiative, complementing commissioned research being published through this year, and the implementation of commitments on a Shared Island that are set out in the Programme for Government.
  • Strengthening social, economic and political links on the island and the promotion of all-island approaches to the strategic challenges facing Ireland, North and South are key objectives.  
  • The Shared Island Dialogues are being organised by the Shared Island unit in the Department of the Taoiseach in partnership with Government Departments. Today’s dialogue was delivered in collaboration with the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the Department of Foreign Affairs.
  • Further information on the Shared Island initiative, can be found on and the previous Plenary sessions of the Shared Island Dialogues are available to watch at