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Shatter announces plans to establish Independent Charities Regulator and publishes outcome of consultation on charities regulation

The Government has approved plans by Minister for Justice, Equality and

Defence, Alan Shatter, TD, to proceed with the establishment of an

independent Charities Regulatory Authority under the terms of the 2009

Charities Act.  The new Authority will come into operation in 2014.  The

outcome of a public consultation on charities regulation carried out by the

Department of Justice and Equality earlier this year is being published

today on the website of the Department of Justice and Equality.

The new Charities Regulatory Authority will have the following functions,

as set out in the Charities Act:

   · increase public trust and confidence in the management and

      administration of charitable trusts and charitable organisations;

   · promote compliance by charity trustees with their duties in the

      control and management of charitable trusts and charitable


   · promote the effective use of the property of charitable trusts or

      charitable organisations;

   · ensure the accountability of charitable organisations to donors and

      beneficiaries of charitable gifts, and the public;

   · promote understanding of the requirement that charitable purposes

      confer a public benefit;

   · establish and maintain a register of charitable organisations;

   · ensure and monitor compliance by charitable organisations with this


   · carry out investigations in accordance with this Act;

   · encourage and facilitate the better administration and management of

      charitable organisations by the provision of information or advice,

      including in particular by way of issuing (or, as it considers

      appropriate, approving) guidelines, codes of conduct, and model

      constitutional documents;

   · carry on such activities or publish such information (including

      statistical information) concerning charitable organisations and

      trusts as it considers appropriate;

   · provide information (including statistical information) or advice, or

      make proposals, to the Minister on matters relating to the functions

      of the Authority.

Speaking today, Minister Shatter said “Charities play a vitally important

role in our economy and society.  It is important that we put in place a

system of regulation that supports them in playing that role as effectively

as possible, and enhances the public trust and confidence on which all

charities depend.  The Charities Act is the basis for this and so I am

pleased today to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to its implementation

and give an indication of the timeframe in which we expect to achieve this.

It is intended that registered charities themselves will be asked to meet

some of the cost of their regulation through payment of a modest annual

registration fee.  It is only thanks to the introduction of this measure –

which is provided for in the Charities Act – that we are now able to move

ahead with putting this regulatory system in place.  We have consulted with

the charity sector on this and the fee structure to be put in place will

take account of the views expressed by charities through the consultation

process.  By adopting this approach, in which the regulation of the sector

will in time become largely self-financing, I hope to be able to make

appointments to the new Authority later this year with a view to it coming

into operation in 2014.

“Transparency, accountability and good governance are at the heart of the

Charities Act.  Members of the public quite rightly want to have confidence

that their donations to charity are being used as they intended.  There is

much that charities themselves can do to instil this confidence.  I

encourage all charities to be proactive in this, not least because in doing

so they can ensure that they are well placed to meet the requirements of

the 2009 Act as they are phased in over the coming years.

“I would like to express my thanks to all those who made submissions to the

consultation.  Your informed and engaged participation in this process has

been of great benefit.  I am particularly encouraged by the enduring

strength of stakeholder support for the introduction of statutory

regulation for charities.  We will continue to adopt a consultative

approach during the introduction of the new regulatory requirements.”