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Shatter announces Selection panel to select members of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence today announced details of

the membership of the Selection Panel to select members of the new Irish

Human Rights and Equality Commission. The Selection Panel will select the

persons to be recommended to the Oireachtas and the President for

appointment. The members are:

The Ombudsman, Emily O Reilly (chair of the Panel)

Dr. Mary Keys, National University of Ireland Galway and member of

Mental Health Commission

Sylda Langford, Chair of Citizens Information Board

Professor Gerard Quinn, National University of Ireland Galway

Professor Gerard Whyte, Trinity College Dublin

The General Scheme of a Bill to amalgamate the Human Rights Commission and

the Equality Authority was published in June and referred to the Oireachtas

Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality for consideration. The General

Scheme was based on the Report for a Working Group set up by the Minister

to advise on practical arrangements for the merger. As part of the process

of preparing their Report, the Working Group undertook a consultation

process with NGOs and other interested parties. The Group received 69

submissions and these informed its recommendations to a considerable

degree. Notwithstanding that this prior consultation process took place

last year, the Minister considered that it would be of benefit in raising

public awareness of the merger proposal and the detail of what is involved,

as well as of the broader human rights and equality agenda in our society,

to facilitate a further public engagement with the issues and therefore he

asked the Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality to examine

the Heads and undertake a further focussed consultation process with civil

society and other interested parties on the content of the General Scheme.

The General Scheme provides for an independent selection process to

nominate people for appointment to the new Commission, and appointment by

the President following passing of a resolution by both Houses of the

Oireachtas. The Minister particularly asked for the Committee’s views on

Head 13 – which provides for the process by which the new Commission will

be selected and appointed – and the Committee has made three


· The Panel, as far as possible, should be gender balanced:

· Members of the Panel should have a proven track record and expertise

in areas relevant to the work of the Irish Human Rights and Equality

Commission; and

· A member of the Panel should be excluded from being a member of the


The Committee has also expressed an interest in meeting with the members of

the Selection Panel and this will be arranged for a suitable date in


The intention is that the independent Selection Panel will invite

applications from persons interested in serving on the new Commission, run

a selection process and make a recommendation to the Government on a slate

of candidates for appointment by the President in due course. It is

anticipated that applications will be invited in early September. Further

details in that regard will be published in due course.

The intention also is that the persons selected for appointment to the new

Commission will be appointed to both existing bodies (the Human Rights

Commission and the Equality Authority) in the interim. Operating in an

integrated way, the new commissioners can then prepare a transition

programme and a Strategic Plan for the new body. This important preliminary

work will also involve, as a matter of priority, the completion of a

staffing review.

In announcing the appointment of the Selection Panel, the Minister said,

“I am grateful on my own behalf and that of the Government to the members

of the Panel. Selecting the members of the new Commission in this way is a

new departure for us in this state. The members of the Panel are all

eminent persons who are well qualified to undertake this task. The

selection process will be undertaken in a way that is objective and

completely independent of Government. When I published the General Scheme

of the Bill last month, I said that our society will benefit from having a

strong and effective human rights and equality body.

The new Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission will in due course seek

accreditation with the UN as Ireland’s National Human Rights Institution

(NHRI). This is of crucial importance to ensure that the new body achieves

the highest international standing and domestic credibility to its

independence and remit. I have made strengthening the new Commission and

ensuring that it complies unequivocally with the ‘Paris Principles’ a

personal commitment in the preparation of this Bill and in the merger

process. I am confident that the new body will maintain the high standing

and reputation the Human Rights Commission has achieved internationally.”