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SHATTER PRESS RELEASE - Appointments to the Property Services Appeal Board

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter, T.D., today announced that he is seeking expressions of interest from suitably-qualified persons for membership of the Property Services Appeal Board. Details of the statutory functions of the Appeal Board, and the qualifications required for membership of it, are available on the web site of the Department of Justice and Equality ( and will be available on the web site of the Public Appointments Service (

The closing date for receipt of expressions of interest is Monday 11 June, 2012. Appointments to the Appeal Board will be made by Government.

The Property Services Appeal Board is being established under the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011. Its primary functions will be to adjudicate on any appeals against decisions of the Property Services Regulatory Authority to refuse to issue licences for the provision of property services to applicants who do not satisfy new statutory standards and the Authority's decisions on sanctions, if any, to be imposed on licensees against whom complaints have been made.

30 May 2012

Notes to the Editor:


Property Services Appeal Board

- Appointing of Chairperson and Members

The Minister for Justice and Equality is seeking expressions of interest from suitably-qualified and experienced persons for consideration for appointment by the Government as Chairperson and Members of the Property Services Appeal Board (PSAB).

Terms of membership are for up to four years commencing in July 2012. Appointments may be renewed.

Functions of the Property Services Appeal Board

Establishment of the Property Services Appeal Board is provided for in section 74 ( of the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 (No. 40 of 2011). Detailed provisions in respect of the Appeal Board are set out in Schedule 5 ( to the Act.

The Appeal Board’s primary functions will be to adjudicate on any appeals against decisions of the Property Services Regulatory Authority to refuse to issue licences for the provision of property services to applicants who do not satisfy new statutory standards and the Authority's decisions on sanctions, if any, to be imposed on licensees against whom complaints have been made.

Functions of the Property Services Regulatory Authority

The main functions of the Property Service Regulatory Authority (PSRA) which was established on a statutory basis on 3 April, 2012 under the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 are as follows:

· the licensing of property service providers;

· the provision of redress mechanisms concerning complaints against auctioneers, estate agents and property management agents;

· the setting of other property related standards;

· the publication of residential property sales prices; and

· the establishment and maintenance of a public database containing relevant details of letting arrangements and rent reviews in the commercial property market.

Appointed Chairperson and Members

The Appeal Board will consist of a Chairperson and such number of other Members as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, considers necessary. The Chairperson and other Members of the Appeal Board will be appointed by Government.

In appointing persons to be Chairperson and Members of the Appeal Board the Government will have regard to the desirability of their having demonstrated a special interest or expertise in regulatory systems, review and redress mechanisms, and fair procedures. In addition the Chairperson must be a practising barrister, or a practising solicitor, of not less than 7 years' standing.

The Government will, in so far as practicable and having regard to the qualifications concerning or experience of matters relevant to the functions of the Appeal Board of the persons concerned, ensure an appropriate balance between men and women in the composition of the Appeal Board.

The Chairperson and Members of the Appeal Board will be paid such remuneration (if any) and allowances for expenses as the Minister for Justice and Equality, with the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, may determine.

How to apply

Selection will be based on an examination of the expressions of interest received and a short-listing of the most suitable applicants. The Government may, at its discretion, select persons from outside this list.

Persons wishing to express an interest in these positions should submit a completed Expression of Interest Form (see Appendix) and a covering letter (of no more than 500 words) to outlining how they meet the requirements.

Closing Date

Your Expression of Interest Form and covering letter must be forwarded so as to reach the Department of Justice and Equality at the above mentioned e-mail address no later than midnight, Monday 11 June, 2012.