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SHATTER PRESS RELEASE - Shatter critical of cyber-bullying

The Irish Palestinian Solidarity Group’s (IPSG) action in directing its members to “target” the website of the musical group Dervish in order to intimidate the group into cancelling their planned concerts in Israel is nothing other than cyber-bullying. The invitation to Dervish to perform in Israel came from a fellow musician who “worked to bridge divides between people through music for much of his life” and the objective of the concerts was “to promote love between two divided communities”.

It is absolutely understandable that the group, in the face of an “avalanche of negativity” and “venom” on social media websites took the decision to cancel their concerts - but it is a great pity that the bullying tactics of the IPSG worked. If the IPSG were in any way interested in promoting peace and reconciliation in a troubled part of the world they would recognise the value of cultural and artistic exchanges and the contribution such events make to fostering understanding and tolerance. But, unfortunately, IPSG’s interest is not in peace and reconciliation.

Worryingly, reports of newly declassified documents, seized from his hideout in Pakistan following his death last year, indicate that the actions of the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Group (IPSG) and its associates have caught the attention of some of Osama Bin Ladens followers who now see Ireland as promising ground for support.

IPSG’s appeal to human rights rings hollow. It ignores the constitutional rights of Irish citizens and those who live in this State to get on with their lives, to travel and to perform around the world free from bullying, intimidation and discrimination. It is particularly extraordinary that the orchestrated campaign targeted at Dervish occurred at a time when thousands have lost their lives in Syria and the IPSG have remained silent about the crimes against humanity being committed there.