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Shatter publishes Bill to amend the Constitution to provide for Court of Appeal

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Alan Shatter, TD, welcomed Cabinet

approval for the publication of the Thirty-third Amendment of the

Constitution (Court of Appeal) Bill 2013.

The Bill provides for the establishment of a Court of Appeal, if the

proposal is approved by the people in a Referendum to be held in early


On the publication of the Bill, the Minister said “This is another

important staging post on the way to a Referendum in the Autumn and

hopefully a reform of our courts architecture that is long overdue. I am

looking forward to debating the Bill in the Houses and to the wider

discussion with the public between now and October. We are on the cusp of

taking a major step towards modernising the architecture of our superior

courts system in Ireland to facilitate cases being heard expeditiously in

the most appropriate forum.”

The need for a Court of Appeal arises mainly from the increase in cases

being determined by the High Court in recent years and the consequent

on-going significant backlog of cases awaiting hearing on appeal before the

Supreme Court. The average delay for new non-priority appeal cases is now

of the order of 4 years. Earlier this year, the Chief Justice announced

her decision not to accept any new priority cases, given that there were

already over 70 cases on the priority list.

The Supreme Court in Ireland, unlike in other common law jurisdictions is

the Court of Final Appeal in all cases. In other countries, the Supreme

Court mainly deals with cases involving substantial points of law or issues

of major pubic importance. In Ireland, however, the Supreme Court is taken

up with issues ranging from routine interlocutory orders to major

constitutional issues and everything in-between.

The new Court of Appeal will deal with most cases that are currently dealt

with by the Supreme Court, thus reducing its workload and allowing it to

focus on the development of the law. The model for the new Court of Appeal

is largely drawn from the Report of the Working Group on a Court of Appeal

which was chaired by now Chief Justice Denham and which was published in


Minister Shatter continued “Those who are parties to court proceedings are

entitled to have proceedings determined within a reasonable period of time.

This proposed reform will ensure that, and in doing so both protect the

rights of citizens and address difficulties currently affecting the

commercial sector. There is a cost to society in not having an efficient

court system. Leaving aside the obvious costs faced by the parties

directly concerned, there is a cost to our reputation as a developed modern

democracy if people can’t have their cases litigated without undue delay.

We also know that this is an issue for foreign multinational companies when

they are deciding where to invest. Countries that have properly

functioning, efficient and effective legal systems are at a clear advantage

over those that do not.”

The intention is that after the establishment of the Court of Appeal, most

appeals will be concluded at that court. The Supreme Court will hear

appeals from the Court of Appeal where the issue involved concerns a matter

of general public importance or where it is in the interests of justice

that the appeal be heard by the Supreme Court. This should result in the

number of cases heard by the Supreme Court falling substantially. However,

where there are exceptional circumstances that warrant it, the Supreme

Court will be able to hear appeals directly from the High Court, where the

general public interest or interests of justice test is also met.

Minister Shatter added, “As a referendum is required to make constitutional

provision for the establishment of a Court of Appeal, this is ultimately a

decision for the People and they are sovereign. Having said that, I am

hopeful that we will be able to demonstrate the clear merits of the

proposal and show that it is in all our interests to have a courts system

that can cope with the demands placed upon it and administer justice

efficiently and without undue delay. I believe that the proposal will

enable our courts to achieve this important objective.”

The Minister went on to express his appreciation to all those who have

contributed in bringing the issue to this point. In particular, he paid

tribute to Chief Justice Denham and the members of the Working Group on a

Court of Appeal which reported in 2009. He also thanked those who had

participated in and contributed to the consultation process including the

judiciary and the professional bodies.

The Bill is available at

09 July 2013


Note for Editors

Court of Appeal

The Working Group Report on a Court of Appeal was published in May 2009 and

is available at$FILE/Report%20of%20the%20Working%20Group%20on%20a%20Court%20of%20Appeal.pdf


The Report considered a number of options and recommended the establishment

of a Court of Appeal between the Supreme Court and the High Court. The

Court of Appeal would deal with most appeals from the High Court, as well

as appeals from the Circuit Criminal Court and the Central Criminal Court.

The main features of the Bill published today are:

1. The Court of Appeal will have civil and criminal jurisdiction and

will replace the Court of Criminal Appeal, for criminal cases;

2. There will be a right of appeal of all cases, including those

involving constitutional issues, from the High Court to the Court of


3. In exceptional circumstances, there will be a right of appeal from

the High Court to the Supreme Court;

4. If the Referendum is passed, the Oireachtas will bring forward

legislation to provide for the establishment of the Court of Appeal.

The Government will then make an order appointing a day on which the

court will be established.

It is expected that the new court will be established in Autumn 2014.