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Sixth meeting held of Advisory Group on Planning for State Examinations 2021

The Department of Education today (Friday 21 May 2021) hosted online the sixth meeting of the advisory group of stakeholders on planning for the State Examinations 2021.


The group includes representatives of students, parents, teachers, school leadership and management bodies, the State Examinations Commission (SEC), the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science and the Department of Education, including the National Educational Psychological Service.


At today’s meeting, the group received an update in relation to arrangements for the 2021 Leaving Certificate examinations and Accredited Grades process. Stakeholders were advised that the data collection system, where schools and centres of education submit the estimated percentage marks for each of the students in this year’s Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) classes 2021, will open on the earlier date of 28 May (the system was due to open on 31 May) and will run until 3 June. Schools will be formally advised of the earlier opening of the data collection system on Monday, 24 May, when a guide to assist schools with this process will be published.


Today’s meeting also considered issues relating to the curriculum requirements for the 2022 Leaving Certificate. Stakeholders were invited to provide initial comments having had an opportunity to reflect on a presentation given at the last Advisory Group meeting.