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Someone Like Me Primary School Art Competition

The Minister of State with responsibility for disabilities, Finian McGrath T.D., attended the prize-giving ceremony for Someone Like Me in Farmleigh House.

The Minister of State handed out prizes to students from every county in recognition of their creativity and their understanding of the subject matter involved. Almost 2,000 entries were received from children ranging from junior infants to sixth class.

The overall national winners came from Scoil Chiaráin, Special School, Glasnevin, Dublin 11

In addition to all the awards handed out to the junior and senior category winners in each county, Scoil Mhuire Fatima, Timahoe National School, Co. Laois, received a highly commended award from the judges.

The Someone Like Me primary schools’ art competition was organised by the Department of Justice and Equality as a way of developing children’s understanding of disabilities and to help them celebrate the aspects that make them and their classmates unique.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Minister of State said:
“I have to say that I have been so impressed by the quality and breadth of the entries received this year. All of you have put in so much effort to your pieces and you thoroughly deserve the recognition that you are getting here today. I know that your families, teachers and classmates are very proud of you.”

He went on to say that:
“Ireland prides itself on being an inclusive society and yet previous research on attitudes has shown there has been a hardening of attitudes towards people with a disability. The last nationwide survey on attitudes was carried out by the National Disability Authority in 2011. They are working on a new survey for 2017. I would like to think that projects such as Someone Like Me will help towards fostering positive attitudes towards people with disabilities.”