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Statement by Eamon Gilmore TD, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs

Tánaiste, Eamon Gilmore has welcomed the decision of the Government to present a Bill which will, when passed, give statutory effect to the decision of the Supreme Court in the X case.

“If this Bill is passed, every one of the tens of thousands of pregnant women who are admitted to hospital every year will know that any action which may be needed to save her life in an emergency will be taken. If this Bill is passed there will be no need for worry, no reason for doubt on the part of the woman, her family or the medical professionals concerned.

It is twenty one years since the Supreme Court decided the X Case. In the intervening time a whole generation of women and their medical advisors has been in a legal limbo. I have long argued that it is high time for Government to do its duty and bring an end to this legal limbo. This Government will do just that.

For most women, and their partners, the birth of their child is an occasion of great joy. Sadly, in a very small number of cases that joy turns to nightmare as the life of the woman is threatened and the termination of pregnancy is necessary in order to save her life. This is a hugely sensitive issue and the debate heretofore has been carried on, in the most part, in a responsible and respectful way. I hope very much that it will continue in that vein.”