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Statement by Jimmy Deenihan TD Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on the death of Billy Vincent. (1919 -2012)

It is with great sadness that I learned of the death of Billy Vincent.

Billy was both a very proud Kerry man and Irish man. Two lines from the poem by Seamus Heaney indeed capture the essence of the man himself: 'Prince of giving, saoi, ard-rí, His Kerry court around him.'

The gift of Muckross Estate including Muckross House to the Irish people in 1932 was a wonderfully magnanimous gesture by his father and grandparents and Vincent retained very close links with Muckross throughout his lifetime. This gesture at that time ensured that the State would sustain and maintain the house and grounds. As a result future generations of Kerry people, Irish people and overseas visitors have all enjoyed the beauty of this home and gardens.

The generosity of the Vincent family continued into Billy's generation as he played a key role in the Irish American Funds and was a significant contributor. Billy is survived by his wife Elizabeth and her children. His remains will be interred with his father in the family grave at Killeagy Graveyard.