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Statement by Jimmy Deenihan TD Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

James Reilly TD Minister for Health confirmed this weekend to Jimmy Deenihan TD Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, and Cllr. Mairead Fernane that the HSE has now decided to transfer the long stay patients at Kerry General Hospital to the new community nursing unit facility. This is scheduled to take place over the coming months. Minister Reilly also confirmed that there are ongoing communications between HSE and HIQA in relation to the registration of Tralee Community Nursing Unit which hopefully will be concluded shortly.

Originally the HSE planned to use half of the beds in the community nursing home unit for rehabilitation however this was vigorously opposed by the Tralee Community Nursing Unit (CNU) Campaign Committee.

In January at the invitation of Minister Deenihan, Minister Reilly visited the CNU and the Long Stay Unit in Kerry General Hospital. During his visit he expressed concern at the suitability of the long stay unit for the patients and asked that a review be carried out of the decision of the HSE not to move all of the patients to the CNU. The review has now been carried out and the decision has been taken to move all 43 patients in the long stay ward to the CNU.

Minister Reilly is very happy with this arrangement and is anxious that over time this will allow for the development of rehabilitation services in Kerry General Hospital in the vacated unit.

Minister Reilly also acknowledged to Minister Deenihan and Cllr. Mairead Fernane the developments that have taken place in Kerry for services for the elderly particularly the additional Consultant Geriatrician posts that supports the community hospitals and primary care teams in the county.

Minister Deenihan expressed his satisfaction with the outcome and said "I had made a commitment to the campaign committee that the hospital would be open for long stay patients – this promise has now been fulfilled".

Cllr. Fernane who campaigned for 10 years for this facility said that she was delighted for people like the late Helen Rohan, and many others who down through the years campaigned tirelessly for this Unit.
