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Statement by Minister of State Michael Ring on Bray Boxing Club and sports capital funding

Minister of State for Tourism & Sport Michael Ring has today (Sunday) issued the following statement. “Bray boxing club was recently awarded the maximum available grant of €25,000 for a refurbishment including new toilets and showers.

 “The Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport had previously examined the possibility of providing a modest grant for the improvement of Bray Boxing Club's current training facilities.  However, at the time the Department could not make such an allocation as a solution could not be found that would satisfy both the club and the local authority. “However, in 2011 the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport made a special sports capital allocation of €1.25 million to the Irish Amateur Boxing Association for the provision of basic facilities in boxing clubs throughout the country. This funding was made available in recognition of the need for improvement works at many boxing clubs around Ireland.

“In the administration of this grant, the IABA sought applications from boxing clubs for grants up to a maximum of €25,000 per club.  Bray boxing club applied for a grant and was successful in securing the maximum amount of €25,000.  The Department understands that work has begun on these improvements. “The Department also understands that Bray Town Council may be applying for a grant under the current round of the Sports Capital Programme for the construction of a new gym for the boxing club on a site near the existing facility.  Any such application would be assessed by the Department in the normal manner. Local authority sports capital and swimming pool schemes

“With regard to funding allocated under the local authority sports and swimming pool schemes, it is important to note that funding per county on a per capita basis was as follows: 1.       Sligo - €19.932.       Leitrim - €17.493.       Mayo - €10.764.       Cavan - €9.60 “On a raw cash basis:1.       Dublin - €1.74 million2.       Cork - €1.41 million “In respect of the local authority sports capital initiative, funding allocated to each county depended entirely on the number of valid applications received. A total of 206 applications were received, of which 111 were deemed eligible.

 Funding was awarded to every one of the eligible projects.”