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Statement by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter, TD, on the arrest in Brazil of Mr. Michael Lynn

I had, of course, been very concerned that a situation had arisen where the State was not in a position to pursue serious criminal charges against an individual who had moved to Brazil. I have consistently made it clear that it is not acceptable that persons should seek to be immune from the consequences of their actions through evading court proceedings which they face in this jurisdiction. In the circumstances, I directed my Department, in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs, to pursue the possibility of making arrangements which would allow for the extradition of persons from Brazil to face charges here.

I welcome the fact that, as a result of ongoing contact with the Brazilian authorities, we have been able to agree that Ireland and Brazil commence negotiations on a bilateral extradition treaty. Importantly, it has also been agreed that, pending the conclusion of the extradition treaty, the two countries would treat extradition requests from each other on the basis of reciprocity. Against that background, Mr. Lynn is now facing extradition proceedings there.

I do not consider it would be appropriate to make any further comment while those proceedings are taking place and, equally, should Mr Lynn be extradited he would face criminal charges here on which it would not be appropriate for me to comment.