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Statement by the Tánaiste on the agreement on Iran's nuclear programme

I warmly welcome the announcement earlier today of an agreement on Iran's nuclear programme between the E3+3 (France, Germany, UK, US, Russia and China) and Iran following extensive negotiations in Geneva. I congratulate EU High Representative Ashton, all the E3+3 Foreign Ministers and Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif for their patient and diligent efforts which have now yielded such an important agreement for global peace and security.

The interim, six-month accord reached in Geneva only represents a first step towards a comprehensive agreement on Iran's nuclear programme and satisfactorily resolving all the many questions and concerns to which this programme has given rise over the past decade. However, there should be no doubting the significance of what has now been achieved in Geneva. A road map for resolving diplomatically this vital international issue and preventing the possible further proliferation of nuclear weapons has now been set out and will hopefully result in a comprehensive agreement in the coming months.

I again commend all the parties and urge both Iran and the international community to ensure that this vital agreement is fully and faithfully implemented over the next six months
