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Statement from Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on Limerick City of Culture 2014

Tuesday, January 7th - "Last Sunday, I said it was my view that all parties involved in Limerick City of Culture should move forward in a calm and measured way. This is happening, and I believe that progress is being made.

"Late last night, I met representatives of the local authority management and the board of Limerick City of Culture 2014. This morning, I met representatives of the local arts community including the Professional Limerick Artists Network (PLAN) and Ormston House Visual Artists. In these meetings, I stressed the importance of getting Limerick City of Culture 2014 back on track. It is abundantly clear that everyone I have spoken to is 100 per cent committed to this.

"I welcome the measures being announced by the board today. The appointment of an interim head for Limerick City of Culture 2014, and the broadening of the board to include local arts community representatives, are important and welcome steps.

"We must continue to make progress over the coming period. I have great confidence in the local organisations, the arts community and the people of Limerick to work together to make this a success.

"Over 100 events are scheduled to take place in the first quarter of this year, and significant funding is in place. Today's announcement marks a new beginning for Limerick City of Culture 2014, and is an important step towards ensuring that the best of the city will be showcased on the national and international stage over the coming 12 months."