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Statement from Minister Sherlock on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

Following uncertainty that has arisen from an article published today [Thursday], the Minister for Research and Innovation, Mr. Sean Sherlock T.D., wishes to make it known that the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), has not been ratified by Ireland.

The decision to arrange for the signature of the Agreement was approved by Government at a Government meeting on the 13th December 2011. Ireland along with 21 other EU Member States signed the Agreement in Tokyo on the 26th January 2012. However, contrary to recent reports, Ireland has not ratified ACTA into domestic law.

The Minister said "I look forward to continuing to work with the Commission, other Member States and our international partners, in endeavouring to find workable solutions, to protect Intellectual Property at international level and within the framework of international law."