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Statement of clarification regarding the case of Catherine Nevin

The general policy is not to provide details regarding individual cases. However, in light of the way this case has been reported, the Department considers it necessary to issue this statement to clarify the position in this case and regarding life sentenced prisoners in general.

Firstly as regards the case of Catherine Nevin,

the Minister has not made any decision on granting temporary release. Recommendations have been made concerning attendance on an educational course but no decision has been made at this point in time.

A life sentenced prisoner is eligible for review by the Parole Board after serving 7 years in custody. Each case is considered on its individual merits and the Board take into account the full range of circumstances including the nature and gravity of the offence, the potential threat to safety, the risk of reoffending, the conduct of the prisoner and the prisoner’s engagement with the range of services on offer in the prison before making a recommendation to the Minister who then has the final decision.

Of those who have been granted temporary release in the form of parole since 2005, the average period of imprisonment before parole has been 17 years. This compares to an average of just over 7.5 years for releases dating from 1975 to 1984, just under 12 years for the period dating from 1985 to 1994, and just under 14 years for the period dating from 1995 to 2004. It must be emphasised that each case is decided on its individual merits. There is no set tariff or minimum term of imprisonment as there is in the UK.

The Minister of Justice, Equality and Defence has previously stated his intention to enact legislation in due course to place the Parole Board on a statutory footing. This will help to strengthen the Parole Board and improve its functions. In that context, he is considering what role the Board will play and what powers it should have before bringing proposals to Government.