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Statement by Charlie Flanagan T.D., Minister for Justice and Equality

“I welcome the appearance today of the Commission for the Location of Victims Remains at the Oireachtas Good Friday Agreement Committee.

The Commission, with the support of the Irish and British Governments, has worked tirelessly on behalf of the families of the Disappeared in recent years.  The Commission has been successful in recovering the remains of many of the victims and, thankfully, this has brought some comfort to the families involved.

There remain, however, some cases that have yet to be resolved and it is to hoped that the Commission will be able to successfully return the remains of those still missing to their families.

The Commission’s investigations are complicated and difficult, and information from the public is absolutely crucial to its work.  I call on anyone with information about any of the cases of the Disappeared to convey that information to the Commission without delay.

The Commission’s work is purely humanitarian in its objective.  The families of the Disappeared have suffered enough and anyone who can assist in bringing an end to that suffering must do so.”