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Statement by Jan O’Sullivan, Minister for Education and Skills on the Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles in Primary Schools

Today, Thursday 4th February, the Department of Education and Skills issued advice to all primary schools aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyles agenda.

Supported by data from the Lifeskills survey, the circular highlights a number of initiatives that can enhance a school’s current approach to exercise and healthy eating.

These include:

Healthy Eating Initiatives

The Lifeskills survey (2012) reveals some very positive practices in primary schools. For instance, 93% have healthy eating policies in place or are developing them, while more than 99% do not facilitate the sale of fizzy drinks, sweets or crisps.

However, more progress can be made, particularly when it comes to promoting the benefits of fresh health foods.

Two programmes in particular are highlighted – the Foods Dudes and the Incredible Edibles programme.

Incredible Edibles encourages primary schools across Ireland to get busy in the garden and/or classroom. Participating schools are supplied with grow packs, with seeds, to grow a variety of healthy foods, such as potatoes, carrots, lettuce, strawberries and turnips. Downloadable curriculum-linked activity sheets, growing guides, recipes and logbooks allow pupils to take these important messages with them for life and to their homes and wider communities.

Incredible Edibles is run by Agri Aware and supported by Bord Bia, the Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine, the Department of Education & Skills, the Department of Health and Ireland’s fresh produce industry.

Food Dudes promotes healthy options such as fruit and vegetables. It is currently being rolled out in primary schools and freshly prepared fruit and vegetables, rewards and Food Dudes lunchboxes will be provided free of charge to participating schools. The Food Dudes programme is organised by Bord Bia and is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the EU School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

Health Promoting Schools Initiative

Data reveals that only 40% of schools are engaged or preparing to engage with this important programme. The Health Promoting Schools Initiative sees HSE Health Promotion Officers working with the Department’s Professional Development Service for Teachers Wellbeing team to support schools across a range of health issues. More primary schools are actively encouraged to engage with the initiative.

Promotion of Physical Activity

Attention is drawn to the fact the 12% of schools report in the Lifeskills survey that students in infant classes are getting less than one hour a week of PE while only one in three schools report that 5th and 6th class students received more than 1 hour a week. The Minister would like to acknowledge the commitment of over 80% of respondent schools to physical activity outside of the formal timetable.
Schools are encouraged to engage with the Active School Flag Initiative. The scheme, which mirrors the highly successful ‘Green Flag’ programme supports and acknowledges schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. As of June 2015, 634 primary schools were participating.

The circular also advises schools not to use resource materials developed by the alcohol industry.

According to Minister Jan O’Sullivan, “This is timely advice to schools. A lot is being done but more is needed. As Spring arrives there is more opportunity for schools to review their health policies and go the ‘extra mile’ in 2016. In particular I hope that more schools will look to establish their own mini gardens and grow healthy fresh vegetables. I’ve seen the very positive effect these initiatives have in schools across the country and would encourage all schools to tap into the wide variety of resources available.

“I would like to acknowledge the significant support that a range of bodies including the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, the Department of Health, the HSE, Agri Aware, Bord Bia and a range of NGOs are dedicating to promoting healthy schools and healthies communities.”


Notes for Editors

The circular is available on the Department’s website at the following links:

Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles in Primary Schools -

Stíleanna Sláintiúla Maireachtála a Chur Chun Cinn i mBunscoileanna -áin-agus-Foirmeacha/Ciorcláin-Gníomhacha/cl0013_2016_ir.pdf