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Statement by Minister Charlie Flanagan on the recommendation by the UN Security Council to the General Assembly of the appointment of new UN Secretary-General António Guterres

“I welcome the Security Council’s recommendation that António Guterres be appointed Secretary-General of the United Nations for a term of office from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021. I extend my warmest personal congratulations to Mr. Guterres on his nomination.

“Ireland will join other Member States next week in approving Mr. Guterres’ appointment in the General Assembly.

“Mr Guterres’ distinguished record in public life has demonstrated that he is a man with a deep understanding of international affairs. During his term as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 2005-2015 he showed great humanity, compassion and dedication in his work addressing one of the great challenges of our time. His considerable national and international political experience in negotiation and building coalitions will be invaluable in the years ahead.

“I am pleased that the process that has led to the recommended appointment of Mr. Guterres has been more open than in the past. The opportunity for all UN Member States to engage with the candidates has been a particularly welcome innovation. I hope that this spirit of transparency will continue and can be developed further in the future.

“Mr Guterres enters into the office of Secretary General at a time when the world faces huge challenges. It is Ireland’s hope that his term of office will witness progress in international peace and security, sustainable development, human rights and disarmament. The United Nations, with its universal membership, remains uniquely placed to address these issues. I look forward to working with Mr Guterres in advancing our common goals.”