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Statement by Minister Coveney on reports of a ICBM launch by North Korea

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Simon Coveney TD, has expressed grave concern about reports that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on 4 July 2017. He said:

“I am gravely concerned about reports that North Korea has launched an ICBM. This reported launch, if verified, represents a deeply worrying development in DPRK’s missile programme and presents a real threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, the entire North East Asia region and beyond. It is a flagrant and provocative violation of the DPRK's international obligations not to conduct such launches. I unreservedly condemn such actions.

“I call on North Korea to abandon its programmes to develop ballistic missiles, nuclear capabilities and weapons of mass destruction; and to carry out these processes in a manner that is complete, verifiable and irreversible, and to re-engage with the Six Party Talks, immediately and without pre-conditions. The reported launch draws into sharp focus the urgent need for engagement on disarmament by all stakeholders.

“We reaffirm our support for the international sanctions regime against North Korea and emphasise that continued disregard of its international obligations will only lead to more severe diplomatic isolation for the North Korean regime, with detrimental impact on the lives of the North Korean people.