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Statement by Minister Denis Naughten TD - Earth Hour

A number of key Government buildings and landmarks will be participating in Earth Hour 2018 which takes place on Saturday 24th March between 20:30 and 21.30.

Earth Hour is an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund which aims to highlight the need for action on climate change and other environmental issues. The event began in Sydney in 2007 and from small beginnings has grown into the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment. Earth Hour asks that homeowners, businesses and public authorities turn off their lights for one hour in a symbolic expression of the need to tackle climate change. According to the organisers, Earth Hour 2017 was marked by 187 countries with over 3,000 landmarks switching off their lights and millions of individuals, organisations and businesses participated.

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten has confirmed that the public buildings and landmarks marking Earth Hour 2018 in Ireland are:
· Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment HQ;
· Leinster House;
· Custom House;
· Ross Castle;
· Rock Of Cashel;
· Trim Castle.

“Earth Hour is a symbolic representation of the power that we all have to make a difference in the fight against climate change. I’d like to thank the staff of the OPW for their support with this initiative,”

concluded Minister Naughten.