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Statement by Minister Flanagan on court case involving Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa in Egypt

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD, has expressed his deep disappointment at a further adjournment in the case involving Irish citizen, Ibrahim Halawa, in Egypt.

He stated:

“I am deeply disappointed that this case has again been delayed and I am concerned for Ibrahim to whom we are providing ongoing consular care. Ireland’s Ambassador to Egypt, Damien Cole, was present in the court for today’s hearing and he has given me a report on the hearing.

“Ambassador Cole’s report indicates that notwithstanding this adjournment, the judges have indicated a clear desire to move this case forward. Following petitions from defence lawyers today, the hearing was put back to March 22nd.

“The Government and the Department of Foreign Affairs and our Embassy in Cairo will be continuing to monitor all developments in relation to Ibrahim Halawa’s case and his welfare, and we will be providing every possible consular assistance to Ibrahim and his family.

“I will continue to use every available opportunity to highlight Ireland’s concerns with the Egyptian authorities.”