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Statement by Minister Flanagan on Ibrahim Halawa case

Speaking after today’s hearing in the case of Ibrahim Halawa in Egypt, Minister Flanagan said:
“Ireland’s Ambassador to Egypt attended the court proceedings today.  Our understanding is that the court will reconvene for a further hearing in the case on 17 January.  I regret a further adjournment but I welcome the progress made today in respect of the completion of a technical review of evidence.
“The Irish Government remains determined to see Ibrahim Halawa return to his family in Ireland and we will not relent in our efforts with the Egyptian authorities to secure Ibrahim’s release.
“Our focus continues to be on applying maximum pressure on the Egyptian authorities in support of the pending application for Ibrahim’s deportation to Ireland under Egyptian Law Decree 140.  The Government has also requested that Ibrahim be considered for release under a new Egyptian Government amnesty scheme for young prisoners.  
“The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has been in direct personal contact with President el Sisi about Ibrahim Halawa’s case on numerous occasions, most recently on 17 November.  For my part, I maintain regular contact with my Egyptian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and with Egypt’s Ambassador to Ireland, Mrs Soha Gendi, to make sure that the Egyptian authorities are in no doubt about the importance we attach to the resolution of this case.    
 “The Government will continue to use every possible opportunity to underline our concerns about this case to the Egyptian authorities, both bilaterally and with the EU and other partners.
“Our Embassy in Cairo and our Consular team in Dublin will be continuing to offer all possible consular assistance to Ibrahim and his family.
“The Embassy is continuing to pay regular consular visits to Ibrahim in prison to monitor his welfare and to address any issues that arise.  The most recent consular visit was undertaken by the Irish Ambassador, Mr Damien Cole, on November 30th.”