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Statement by Minister for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne T.D., on the European Commission’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum

I welcome the publication today of the Commission’s major new proposals on reforming the EU migration and asylum system.
Ireland has repeatedly urged the need for greater solidarity and burden-sharing among Member States in dealing with the issue of migration. We need to find more sustainable solutions involving consensus among Member States, based on a balance of solidarity and responsibility.
The migration crisis continues to be one of the major challenges confronting the European Union. It needs to be urgently addressed. Otherwise ordinary men, women and children will continue to die, as 560 have already done seeking to cross the Mediterranean this year, and we will continue to be confronted with dire humanitarian situations such as the recent fire in the Moria refugee camp in Greece.
The publication of the Commission’s proposals today provides an opportunity to renew and intensify efforts to agree a common approach to this difficult issue and to put in place more effective and humane arrangements to manage the considerable migratory pressures which Europe continues to face.
I look forward to continuing to engage with my fellow Ministers for European Affairs to progress efforts to resolve the challenges posed by the migration crisis.