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Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Charlie Flanagan TD on the Election to the Northern Ireland Assembly

“The election to the Northern Ireland Assembly is over and 90 candidates have been elected as Members of the Legislative Assembly. I congratulate all of those who have won seats and wish them well in discharging their mandates. I also want to acknowledge those candidates who were unsuccessful. They have shown courage and a commitment to public service by seeking election and participating in the democratic process.
The high turnout demonstrates the continued support of the people of Northern Ireland for the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement and devolved power-sharing Government. Now the politicians they elected must come together to establish an Executive which can operate effectively and deliver for all of the people of Northern Ireland in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect.
As co-guarantors of the Good Friday Agreement and subsequent agreements, the Irish and British Governments stand ready to provide whatever support or engagement may be necessary to re-establish the devolved institutions. In this regard, I plan to be in touch with the parties in Northern Ireland and with Secretary of State Brokenshire over the next 24 hours.”