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Statement by Ministers Humphreys and Breen following Government-convened meeting in Shannon concerning the Molex Ireland closure announcement

The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ms. Heather Humphreys T.D., and the Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Mr. Pat Breen T.D., today convened a meeting of key stakeholders in Shannon this morning following yesterday’s announcement that Molex Ireland will be closing its County Clare facility in 2020.

The meeting included representatives of the enterprise agencies, the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, members of the Regional Enterprise Plan Committee, the Chamber of Commerce, the Local Authority, representatives from Third Level Institutions and other local stakeholders.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how everyone can work together to transition workers to new positions between now and the end of 2020, and also find a new investor for the site.

At the meeting, it was agreed that:

  • A core group from the Mid-West Regional Enterprise Plan Steering Committee will coordinate the response to the job losses locally over the next 14 months.
  • A detailed skills audit of the workers will be carried out in the coming period. The IDA have already started that process.
  • The IDA will be intensifying its efforts to promote this area as an attractive place to invest with a highly skilled workforce.
  • A career fair and interview workshops, among other supports, will also be arranged for the workers.

Speaking after the meeting, Minister Humphreys said:

The fact that Molex Ireland, which has been operating in County Clare for 48 years, will stop operating next year is deeply regrettable. We understand fully how important an employer this company has been and the role it has played in supporting jobs and enterprise in the Mid-West. The Government is therefore determined to act as swiftly as possible to address the closure and to put a plan in place to help mitigate, as much as we can, its consequences for the surrounding area.

The Minister continued:

That is why I convened a meeting in Shannon this morning – which included representatives from the State’s principal enterprise agencies, Government Departments, Clare County Council, Third Level institutions and the local business community – to help determine how best we can respond. Our discussions today were an important first step in this process. The main priority, for all involved, is to address the short-term needs of those workers impacted and to make every State support available to them. Looking further ahead, we need – as was collectively agreed this morning – to make sure we create new opportunities in the Mid-West region that can help offset many of these job losses. The Mid-West Regional Enterprise Plan – which was launched earlier this year – will be a critical tool in that respect. The Committee behind the plan, which is made up of regional stakeholders, is a permanent taskforce in the region. A core group from the Committee will coordinate actions locally following our discussions today.

Minister of State Breen also spoke after the meeting:

There is no doubt that much work lies ahead. This company has been one of County Clare’s biggest employers for many years and these jobs cannot be replaced overnight. But today was a strong statement of intent – by the Government, by key stakeholders and by the local business community – that we will not allow this closure to reverse the progress Clare has made over many years. I look forward to cooperating with all those who attended today as we do everything we can to source new investment and employment for the area.