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Statement by Mr. Simon Coveney T.D., Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence on the Belarus Presidential Elections

The Government is closely monitoring developments in Belarus following Sunday’s presidential elections, which have regrettably led to the loss of life, injury and indiscriminate detainment of civilians. I am deeply concerned by this disproportionate and unacceptable level of violence against peaceful protestors along with the arbitrary restrictions placed on mass media.
I am conscious too of the long-standing people-to-people connections between Ireland and Belarus and that the escalation of events in Belarus is of deep concern to people here.
I strongly support the statement by High Representaive Josep Borrell, and Commissioner Várhelyi, on behalf of the EU, calling on authorities in Belarus to respect the fundamental right of peaceful assembly and immediately release all those civilians unjustly detained. The people of Belarus deserve to have their democratic principles and freedoms respected, and for elections to be free and fair with due regard for human rights.
We will continue to monitor developments closely and will coordinate our response in collaboration with our colleagues in the EU.