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Statement by Tánaiste ahead of talks in Northern Ireland

Speaking ahead of talks in Northern Ireland on 24 January, the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Simon Coveney TD said: 

I will be in Belfast today for meetings with Secretary of State Karen Bradley and all of the main parties in Northern Ireland. I am very mindful in this the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement of the ongoing responsibility of the British and Irish Governments, as co-guarantors, to ensure the effective functioning of that Agreement and all of its institutions.

In that context, the Secretary of State and I have made clear our determination to do everything we can to support a return to devolved power-sharing government in Northern Ireland.

I do not dispute that there are difficult negotiations ahead for the parties and we all know that time is short.

However, everyone agrees that devolution and a power-sharing Executive are in the interests of everyone in Northern Ireland and I believe everyone is willing to strive to achieve that."