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Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD on Ireland-China relations

“Ireland enjoys warm and positive bilateral relations with China and maintains open and respectful dialogue on all issues.

“Through the Chinese Embassy in Dublin and the Irish Embassy in Beijing and our Consulates in Shanghai and Hong Kong, we work closely together to promote partnerships in a range of areas including trade, tourism, culture and education.

“On 10th March, in response to a report on China by the UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Ireland along with the UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Iceland, Australia and Japan joined a US statement at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in support of the UN Commissioner’s report.

“The position taken by Ireland was wholly consistent with EU policy in relation to China as set out in a letter by EU Ambassadors in China to the State Counsellor Guo Shengkun on 24th February 2016. It is consistent also with our national position on global human rights issues articulated repeatedly at the UN.

“No explicit linkage has been drawn by the Chinese authorities between this motion and the progress of Ireland’s application for beef access.

“The Government remains wholly committed to further building on our strong bilateral relationship with China.”