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Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, at the conclusion of the Paris Conference on the Middle East Peace Process

Speaking this afternoon from Paris at the conclusion of the conference on the Middle East Peace Process convened by the French Government, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, said:

"Today's meeting was an important restatement by the international community - represented by 29 countries and international organisations- of continuing support for a two state solution to the Middle East Peace Process.

“We also underlined the urgency of the situation, given the continuing deterioration on the ground, including violence and incitement to violence.

“At the meeting, I stated Ireland's view that, more than anything else, it is the ongoing building of settlements which imperils the two state solution.

“I drew attention to how important international support had been for the peace process on our own island and expressed the hope that this international engagement here today can help create the conditions for direct negotiations and, ultimately, for peace.

“I want to reiterate my thanks to Foreign Minister Ayrault and the French Government for launching this initiative and to make clear Ireland's willingness to support these French-led efforts.

“Today's meeting is the start of a process rather than the end of one, and I look forward to engaging with Jean Marc Ayrault and his team in the months ahead"