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Statement by the Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, on the death of Dr. Tiede Herrema

“I was very sorry to learn of the death of Dr. Tiede Herrema and I wish to extend my sincere sympathy to the Herrema family, in particular to Dr. Herrema’s sons.

“The memory of the ordeal that Tiede Herrema endured at the hands of a breakaway IRA faction in 1975 is indelibly imprinted on the memories of many people in this country.  The terrifying spectacle of a businessman being kidnapped by terrorists was a truly shocking event at the time.  I have vivid personal memories as my father was then a TD and parliamentary secretary and Dr. Herrema was held near my hometown of Mountmellick for a time by his captors. 

“The 1975 kidnapping of Dr. Herrema represented not just a personal tragedy for the Herrema’s, but a direct attack on the State by terrorists.  The then Taoiseach, the late Liam Cosgrave, bravely faced down that threat with the full support of the late Elisabeth Herrema.  Five years ago when Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, I hosted a lunch for Tiede and Elisabeth to mark forty years since his kidnapping ordeal.  We were joined at that lunch by the late Liam Cosgrave and by the late former Garda Commissioner Larry Wren. 

“Larry also played a critical role in peacefully resolving the kidnapping crisis and indeed in leading An Garda Síochána at a time when our democratic institutions were under sustained attack from terrorists.  As ever, at that lunch, the resilience, generosity and humour of the Herremas was very much in evidence.  I am so pleased that I had the opportunity to bring that incredible group of people together and it is striking that we have lost Tiede, Elizabeth, Liam and Larry in the years that followed.  The fact that all lived to be a great age is a comfort.

“I believe we all have much to learn from the ordeal that Tiede Herrema endured and the great magnanimity and courage he and Elisabeth always embodied.  Their passing, just a short time apart, is a loss to both The Netherlands, and Ireland.”