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Statement by the Minister with responsibility for Defence, Mr. Paul Kehoe, on Defence Budget 2019

Overall budget of €994m, a 5% increase in Defence sector spending of some €47.5m.

Over €6m extra in pay for the Defence Forces (due under the Public Service Stability Agreement).

38% increase in capital investment to €106m, delivering new armoured vehicles which will increase force protection measures for those serving overseas, new aircraft, naval vessels and upgrades to military facilities including accommodation.

€10m extra in funding for army pensions to meet the retirement benefits of 12,400 ex-Defence Forces members and dependants.

Minister Kehoe today announced the allocation of €994m in Defence Sector funding for 2019. This represents a significant increase of some €47.5m on the corresponding 2018 allocation and will allow Defence to continue to deliver on the commitments in the White Paper.

Minister Kehoe stated:

This allocation of almost €1 billion emphasises the importance attached by the Government to ensuring that the Defence Forces have the resources necessary to deliver on all roles assigned by Government, both at home and overseas.

The White Paper on Defence has identified and prioritised the need for capital investment on a broad range of replacement defensive equipment programmes and on upgrading the Defence Forces Built Infrastructure.

In that regard, Minister Kehoe emphasised the importance of the additional €29m in Defence capital funding, under the National Development Plan, with the 2019 allocation increased to €106m.

Minister Kehoe commented that this level of capital funding

will allow the Defence Organisation to plan and undertake a programme of sustained equipment renewal and replacement across the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service, as well as continuing necessary infrastructural development.

The 2019 budgetary allocation will allow Ireland to continue to deliver on all roles prescribed for the Defence Forces, both domestically and overseas. Minister Kehoe highlighted, in particular, the overseas role played by the Defence Forces, as he stated:

I would like to acknowledge that Irish troops serving overseas represent our country with professionalism, dedication and courage and it is important for me personally, to let them know that Ireland is proud of them and to thank them for their service.

Minister Kehoe added:

The Government remains committed to returning to and maintaining the agreed strength of the Permanent Defence Force at 9,500 and I have ensured that the Defence Vote is fully funded to meet the costs for the full establishment figure of 9,500.