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Statement by the Ministers on the publication of the Moran Report

Statement by the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross T.D and Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Brendan Griffin T.D. on the publication of the Report by Judge Carroll Moran of his Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the receipt, sale and distribution of tickets for the Rio Olympic Games and related matters

The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross T.D and the Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Brendan Griffin T.D. today welcomed the publication of the Report of the inquiry by Judge Carroll Moran into the circumstances surrounding the receipt, sale and distribution of tickets for the Rio Olympic Games and related matters.

Both Ministers expressed their thanks and appreciation to Judge Moran and his Inquiry team for the “comprehensive and insightful report”, which was prepared, despite the failure of a number of the key parties to co-operate with the Inquiry, in direct contradiction to public statements in the immediate aftermath of the Rio controversy last August.

Minister Ross said: “it is regrettable that the parties concerned chose not to assist Judge Moran in his inquiries. I believe that if they had co-operated this report would be more complete. I understand that those parties have the right not to incriminate themselves. Judge Moran recognises in his Report that this was a legitimate position for them to take. I do not believe that it has fundamentally undermined the value and benefit of the insights that we now have as a result of Judge Moran’s careful analysis.”

Minister Griffin added: “it is clear from Judge Moran’s report that there were a number of matters where an explanation from parties who were not co-operating would have been welcome. Even at this late stage, I would welcome an explanation from those parties. We should not lose sight of the fact that many parties did cooperate with Judge Moran, especially the Olympic Council of Ireland whose staff and current Board members provided great assistance to Judge Moran. Their co-operation deserves to be applauded and acknowledged.”

Both Ministers noted in particular that, despite the lack of full co-operation, the transfer of emails and other data had given Judge Moran an insight into ticketing matters and governance at the OCI, which had resulted in a number of significant points being made in the Report. Judge Moran and his team had analysed this information with evidently great care and both Ministers expressed their warm welcome for Judge Moran’s analysis and his recommendations. The enquiry was not investigating potential criminality. That is the role of An Garda Síochána. Rather it aimed to establish available facts and to limit the damage to Ireland’s reputation in the international sporting world and to encourage whatever measures are required to reform the OCI and restore our global standing. The changes in the OCI, already taken, are a first step on that road.

Minister Ross said that he had “great confidence in the new OCI, both the new Council and its President, Sarah Keane, to fully implement the reforms set out in the 25 recommendations made in the Deloitte Report, which Judge Moran had endorsed. She and the other members of the Executive Committee and the wider Council have my full support. I am especially pleased to note the considerable progress that has already been made on the reforms set out in the Deloitte Report, including the recent establishment of an Athletes’ Commission.

Minister Ross added “I accept Judge Moran’s recommendation that a full commission of inquiry would be inappropriate in these circumstances. I agree with him that a statutory inquiry would be disproportionate.”

Minister Griffin said that Judge Moran’s Report had “highlighted a number of important lessons that had to be learned for the future, especially the need for a significant improvement in the OCIs’ corporate governance as well as the need for much greater transparency on OCI ticketing arrangements. The interests of athletes, their families and their friends need to be given a much higher priority in the future than in the past. The interests of the spectating public must also be respected more.”

Preparation for Tokyo 2020
Both Ministers also expressed the hope that the OCI would quickly succeed in its aim of regaining the trust and support of the Irish sporting public.

They added “while we fully respect the requirement for independence from Governments, as expressed in the Olympic Charter, the OCI should seek to foster a closer and more harmonious relationship with the Irish public authorities in the future. We, together with our Department and Sport Ireland, stand ready to work with a reformed and reforming OCI in the interests of Irish Olympians. We are determined to work constructively and positively with the OCI and with all other sporting interests in Ireland to ensure the most successful possible participation of Irish athletes at Tokyo in three years’ time.”


The report can be accessed on the Department’s website

Hard Copies of the Moran Report can be requested from: