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Statement from Charlie Flanagan TD, Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, on the Resignation of Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness

“I regret the circumstances which have led to the decision of Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness to resign his office.

“The substance of the RHI controversy is very much a matter for the devolved Executive and Assembly. However, the Government is very mindful of the need to protect the integrity of the principles and institutions of the Good Friday Agreement. In this regard, both the effective functioning of those institutions and respecting the principles of partnership and equality are of critical importance.

“If, as appears likely, new elections to the Assembly will now be required, it behoves all parties to act responsibly in word and deed, so that the political institutions of the Agreement will not be damaged in the longer term.

“I have spoken this afternoon to the Deputy First Minister and to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. As a co-guarantor of the Good Friday Agreement, the Irish Government will continue to work with the British Government and the political parties to advance political stability, reconciliation and economic prosperity in Northern Ireland.”