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Statement from Minister for Health in relation to consultant contracts and issues highlighted by RTE Investigates programme 21st November 2017

The Minister for Health has criticised the failure of some hospital consultants to comply with their contracts and deliver their work commitment to the public hospital system, as highlighted by RTE on Tuesday night.

Minister Harris said: 

"I can only describe the behaviour highlighted by RTE Investigates programme, as brazen, immoral and unfair. Some consultants behaving this way brings the system into disrepute and lets down a lot of their colleagues, who go above and beyond every day caring for patients and often work well beyond the hours required under their contracts. We cannot have a situation where people are paid for hours and don't do them. This would not be tolerated for nurses or other grades in the service. I have been informed by the HSE this morning that formal investigations will now be launched in the wake of last night's programme. 

"It is the responsibility of management to make sure these contracts are being enforced and I have asked the HSE to ensure that more robust measures are in place in 2018 to make sure consultants comply with their contractual obligations. I will require absolute assurances on this point. 

"For some time my Department has been working closely with the HSE on this.  In fact, several months ago, the Department wrote to the HSE emphasising the need to pursue compliance.

"I am very clear that consultants must deliver their work commitment to the public system. 

"In the longer term I have established an independent group, chaired by Dr Donal de Buitléir, to examine the impact of separating private practice from the public hospital system. This was one of the key recommendations of the Sláintecare Report. 

"I was struck by the personal stories highlighted by RTE and the very distressing impact on patients of waiting for procedures, and I would like to assure people that I am committed to improving access for public patients to public hospital care."