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Statement from Minister Simon Coveney in response to EU-UK joint statement   

Speaking in response to the Joint Statement issued by the co-chairs of the EU-UK Joint Committee, and after today’s meeting of the General Affairs Council, which was briefed on Brexit by Michel Barnier and Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic, Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney said:

I very much welcome the positive news announced today  that agreement in principle has been reached on the outstanding issues on the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Of particular significance is the commitment by the UK to withdraw clauses 44, 45 and 47 of the Internal Market Bill bringing it back into line with its obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement  This positive development comes after significant and productive engagement between the EU and the UK on implementation of the Protocol, as provided for under the Withdrawal Agreement.

I look forward to an early meeting of the EU-UK Joint Committee, Chaired by Commission Vice President Maros Sefocvic and Michael Gove to formalise the agreements reached.  

I hope this may also provide some of the positive momentum necessary to instil confidence and trust and allow progress in the wider context of the future relationship negotiations.