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Statement from The Department of Environment, Community & Local Government – Severe Flooding

The Department of Environment, Community & Local Government continue to monitor the flooding situation with relevant Departments and agencies


Local authorities continue to respond in areas affected, and remain on standby and continue to monitor the situation in the areas where further flooding may occur.  The local authority response and the necessary preparations are supplemented by the Defence Forces and other service providers when and where required.


Met Eireann

Met Eireann advises today  will be bright or sunny intervals and scattered showers but rain will spread to east Munster, much of Leinster and southeast Ulster this evening and early tonight.  Showers will soon become widespread on Sunday morning but will tend to become confined to western coasts by late afternoon.


ESB continue to maintain a discharge level of 370m3 /s today at Parteen Wier. The discharge rate at Inniscarra Dam remains at 180m3 /s.


It is expected to remain at this level of discharge for the next few days. This depends on the actual rainfall and the situation will be reviewed again tomorrow.


This level of water flow continues to have associated flooding to land and property in the vicinity of the Shannon downstream of Parteen Weir including the areas of Springfield, Montpelier, Castleconnell, Mountshannon (Annacotty). Note that other areas between Parteen Weir and Limerick may also be vulnerable to flooding due to local issues.


ESB continues to closely monitor the situation and are in communication with the local authorities and response agencies in accordance with normal operating procedures.


For Media Queries, please contact the ESB Press Office: 01 702 6009 / 087 2557186




The OPW continues to monitor the hydrometric gauges and the following is the current position:


All levels on the Shannon catchment have fallen in the last 48 hours; in the Upper Catchment by up to 10cm and in the mid catchment, (Athlone area), the observed fall was 2cm.  Further downstream to Lough Derg, the fall was up to 9cm.  In Limerick city, the recorded fall was 8cm over the past 48 hours and 28cm since the peak on Sunday last.


We remain in a severe flooding situation on the Shannon catchment and it is likely that ongoing flood defence efforts (for example pumping) will have to continue for some time.


The smaller catchments of the Brosna, Suck, Moy and Clare observed falls of between 3 and 33cm in the last 48 hours.


All will continue to be monitored closely in the coming days.


Media queries in relation to Flood Relief Measures or Flood Mapping to the OPW may be directed to: OPW Press Officer at 087 9475552.


There is still some flooding on minor roads and motorists are advised to heed the local authority warnings in this regard. The RSA also has useful advice on their website


The public is reminded to avoid walking along riverbanks, which may be unsafe due to swollen rivers until it is safe to do so.  They are also requested to heed any public warnings from the local authorities or local media outlets. People are further advised to follow local flood warnings issued through local authorities for more detailed information.


The Coast Guard advice to people remains the same -  anybody who might visit coastal areas to take care. Their general safety message is Stay Back, Stay High & Stay Dry


The group noted the responses of emergency services, defence forces, local authority workers, state agencies, businesses and the public for their hard work and patience during the recent event.


Government support for small businesses

Government decided previously to establish a fund of €5m to aid small businesses which have suffered damage to their property in the current flooding. The fund will be administered on behalf of the Government by the Irish Red Cross. 

The fund is intended for businesses in towns recognised to be at flood risk by the OPW and which have been unable to get flood risk insurance. Irish Red Cross have begun to receive applications for funding.  


Applications forms are available on the Irish Red Cross website


Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government


Mr. Alan Kelly, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government announced that he will provide local authorities with an additional €8 million in financial assistance to facilitate and support the on-going clean-up works being undertaken at local level in the aftermath of Storm Desmond.


Department of Social Protection, Humanitarian Assistance Scheme.

The Department of Social Protection (DSP) has activated its Humanitarian Assistance Scheme, administered by the local Community Welfare Service (CWS), to assist householders affected by the current bad weather conditions.

Department of Social Protection Community Welfare Services officials are on the ground in the affected areas.  They are continuing to monitor the situation, engage with the local authorities and emergency services and are providing the necessary supports as quickly as possible.  The Community Welfare Services contact details have been provided to the key services.


The response in the key areas affected:


Limerick - CWS staff are currently in the Corbally area with staff from the Local Authority making house visits.  


In Athlone - emergency clinics established in Grace Park Road Athlone, operating mornings and afternoons.


In Mayo - Community Welfare Services clinics will be available in Crossmolina and Ballinrobe on Thursday morning (17 December).


There are three stages to Humanitarian Assistance Scheme:

1 - Emergency Income Support - payment that the Department can offer is an immediate humanitarian aid payment, which is intended to cover immediate needs such as food, clothing, etc.

2 - Replacement of Goods & household items - will follow when the flooding has receded and the items that need to be replaced can be assessed

3 - Long term financial aid and works - will follow when the flooding has receded and the full extent of the damage is known.


Further information and applications forms in relation to the Humanitarian Assistance Scheme are available Department of Social Protection offices in the affected areas and from the Department’s website:

Media queries to the Department of Social Protection may be directed to: or Tel: 01 704 3860 or call 1890 278 278 at any time.




National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management.

Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.

Custom House, Dublin 1




The response to all emergencies is appropriately locally-led in the first instance (by relevant local authorities in the case of severe weather). The Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government monitors the situation and determines if a Severe Weather National Co-ordination Group should be convened if certain trigger conditions are arrived at or where the local response is overwhelmed and central assistance might be required.


The Storm Desmond severe weather warning issued by Met Eireann was monitored by the Department as Lead Government Department for severe weather emergencies and contact was and is maintained with Met Eireann, the local authorities and other sectors. The agencies in the front-line reported on their responses to the storm and flooding at the meeting