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Statement from The National Coordination Group on Recent Severe Weather

A further meeting of the National Coordination Group to discuss the on-going flooding was held in the (NECC) National Emergency Coordination Centre today (10th December 2015) to review the response to date and to ensure that the response of relevant local authorities, Government Departments and Agencies continues to be coordinated.

The NCG is comprised of representatives from all the main government departments and all the key state agencies this includes, inter alia, OPW, ESB, HSE, Civil Defence, Coastguard, Defence Forces, An Garda Síochána & Met Eireann

The agencies in the front-line reported on their responses to flooding at the meeting. Local authorities continue to monitor the situation and in the areas where further flooding may occur they are making the necessary preparations supplemented by the Defence Forces when required.

Some local authorities are continuing their clean-ups and in the counties which may be impacted by further flooding events particularly in some areas in the mid to lower Shannon catchment.

Met Eireann
Met Eireann advises that today and Friday will be showery. As we move into the weekend the weather will deteriorate with heavy rainfall 50-80mm in the midlands, Munster & Connacht. Swollen rivers and sodden land, particularly in the Shannon catchment area are to be expected and the levels in the mid - lower Shannon will continue to rise into the weekend and into early next week.

ESB advises that the flow of water down the River Shannon through Parteen Weir will remain at 375 cumecs (cubic metres per second) today Thursday 10 December.

The levels in Lough Derg are monitored on a daily basis and ESB will advise if that flow is likely to increase. With further rain expected, the level of water flowing down the Shannon may increase over the next number of days.

This level of water flow is likely to lead to associated flooding of roads, land and property in the vicinity of the Shannon downstream of Parteen Weir including the areas of Springfield, Montpellier, Castleconnell, Mountshannon (Annacotty) and the University of Limerick.

ESB is continuing to monitor the situation and is liaising with the relevant County Councils.

All OPW gauges on the main Shannon river have risen since yesterday and are expected to rise in the next few days. We expect the levels in the Lower Shannon to peak on Monday/Tuesday from Lough Derg to Limerick City. The expecting flood levels on the Shannon are to exceed the severe in some places.

Media queries in relation to Flood Relief Measures or Flood Mapping to the OPW may be directed to: OPW Press Officer at 087 9475552.

There is still some flooding on minor roads and motorists are advised to heed the local authority warnings in this regard. The RSA also has useful advice on their website

The public is advised to avoid walking along riverbanks, which may be unsafe due to swollen rivers until it is safe to do so. They are also requested to heed any public warnings from the local authorities or local media outlets. People are further advised to follow local flood warnings issued through local authorities for more detailed information.

The Coastguard has also issued advice to people who might visit the west coast as waves are very high at the moment. Their general safety message is Stay Back, Stay High & Stay Dry

The group noted the responses of emergency services, defence forces, local authority workers, state agencies, businesses and the public for their hard work and patience during the recent event. The NCG will meet again tomorrow to review matters and Local Authorities will continue to monitor river levels in the areas impacted.

Government support for small businesses
Government decided yesterday to establish a fund of €5m to aid small businesses which have suffered damage to their property in the current flooding. The fund will be administered on behalf of the Government by the Red Cross.

The fund is intended for businesses in towns recognised to be at flood risk by the OPW and which have been unable to get flood risk insurance.

The detailed criteria are being finalised.

Humanitarian Aid
The Department of Social Protection (DSP) has an important role to play in assisting households in the immediate aftermath of emergency events such as severe weather conditions through the Humanitarian Assistance Scheme. The situation on the ground is monitored and DSP staff engage with the Local Authorities and other agencies to ensure supports are being provided to those affected as swiftly as possible.

Departmental Officials can provide individuals with emergency payments to offset their immediate needs such as the purchase of food, clothing, fuel and household goods. People seeking assistance under the Humanitarian Assistance Scheme should contact their local Department of Social Protection office.
Further information and applications forms in relation to the Humanitarian Assistance Scheme are available Department of Social Protection offices in the affected areas and from the Department’s website:
