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Statement on April Homeless Figures & Q1 Progress Report

The report for April shows that there were 572 fewer people in emergency accommodation compared to March. The total number of homeless individuals, including dependants is 9,335. There were 290 fewer adults, 282 fewer dependants and 179 fewer families in emergency accommodation in April.

The quarterly progress report for the first quarter of 2020 was also published.

Minister Murphy commented:

The figures for April show significantly fewer families and individuals in emergency accommodation in April than the previous month and fewer than at any point in the last two years. The work being carried out by the staff of the DRHE in Parkgate Street over the last number of weeks has been a significant factor combined with the efforts of our partner organisations across the country. Despite the current challenges posed by COVID19 we have been able to consistently move families out of emergency accommodation into secure long term homes. The reduction in the homeless numbers has been achieved due to a significant number of households moving from emergency accommodation to tenancies. Individuals and families accommodated in short-term accommodation secured in recent weeks, as part of the response to COVID-19, continue to be included in the homeless figures.

There is also a huge effort ongoing to keep all those in emergency accommodation safe and we continue to work with the HSE and all those providing services at this difficult time.  This has included providing significant additional accommodation to allow for the necessary social distancing in emergency accommodation and to allow for the ‘cocooning’ of homeless individuals identified as vulnerable due to their health needs.

The Quarterly Report shows a 12% increase in exits from homelessness for the first quarter of 2020. This is progress we must continue to build on. We don’t know the full extent of the effect of COVID19 on construction so far but we have been able to get key Social Housing sites back up and running for delivery for families in 2020.