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Statement on the Passing of Peter Sutherland

Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Simon Coveney T.D., today expressed deep sadness upon the passing of Peter Sutherland.


Mr Sutherland held a number of coveted positions on the international stage throughout his distinguished career, across the worlds of business, law, and government, and was a wonderful ambassador for Ireland. As Director General of the GATT association, he oversaw its transition into the World Trade Organisation and helped negotiate the World Trade Agreement in 1993. Most recently, he served as the United Nations’ Special Representative on Migration, and through his efforts in this role sought to ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in society.


Peter Sutherland was a strong believer in rules based globalisation, and was a committed European. He held a firm belief in the promise of the European Union, and served as a European Commissioner in the late 1980’s. His extraordinary career also included acting as Attorney General of Ireland, and former Chairman of Goldman Sachs.


Upon hearing of the death of Peter Sutherland, the Tánaiste said:


“I wish to express my deep sadness at the passing of Peter Sutherland. I knew him as a compassionate, driven, global thinker who was always willing to challenge views. His intellect was extraordinary, and he used his talents to be one of Ireland’s most influential people, in business, politics and across human rights globally.


I would like to extend my condolences to his wife Maruja, his children Shane, Natalia, and Ian, and his grandchildren, at this sad time.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.”