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Statement regarding announcement by Stobart Air

The Department of Transport is currently examining the implications of the announcement and the cancellation of the Government-funded PSO routes which operate between Kerry and Dublin and Donegal and Dublin. Any passengers affected are advised not to travel to the airport and to check the Aer Lingus website for updated information.


Speaking this morning, Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan TD said: “The announcement this morning is concerning news for the affected workers and for regional connectivity. We will be engaging with all stakeholders today and over the comings days to restore connectivity to the regional airports affected by today’s announcement.”


Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton TD said: “We are acutely aware of the ongoing impact of the pandemic on the sector and are working to secure these vital regional routes. The restoration of our regional connectivity is of critical importance and will be prioritised by the Government in the coming days.”  


The Government is acutely aware of the devastating impact that COVID-19 restrictions are having on the aviation sector and from the outset has sought to ensure that the aviation industry is in a position to rebound quickly when the public health situation allows. Government supports for the airports, airlines and companies in the aviation sector have been provided throughout this crisis.


By the end of June 2021, the sector will have received approx. €300 million in State funding spanning employment supports, waiver of commercial rates and deferral of taxes. The bulk of the support to airlines is through the TWSS/EWSS wage subsidy schemes which were specifically designed to maintain the link between employers and employees. Liquidity support has also been made available by ISIF to large aviation enterprises.


This is in addition to PSO support of approximately €7 million per annum for the affected routes.




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