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Strategy aims to make Ireland a leader in Open Data – O’Donovan

Patrick O’Donovan TD, Minister of State for Open Government and eGovernment, today (Friday 14h July) welcomed the publication of a national Open Data Strategy for 2017-2022. Minister Donovan commented, “Openness and transparency is a key government priority. Opening up government data will empower citizens, foster innovation and reform public services. This Strategy aims at fostering an ecosystem that will enable Ireland to become a leader in Open Data”.
Studies have shown that access to official, open format non-personal data supports more effective decision-making and empowers citizens to take a more active role in their communities. This Strategy builds on the significant work and achievements of public bodies to date and sets out a vision, objectives and the related actions to be implemented over the next 5 years.
The Minister noted, “It is essential that all public bodies fully engage in opening up this valuable resource. This is key to delivering on the vision for Ireland as a country where the economic, social and democratic opportunities and benefits of Open Data are recognised and achieved by all stakeholders. I am confident that shared ownership of this Strategy, under the leadership of the Open Data Governance Board, will deliver significant opportunities for Ireland over the next 5 years and beyond’.
To assist public bodies in the implementation of the Strategy, framework agreements for Open Data training and technical support are currently being put in place which will allow public bodies to draw down the necessary expertise and assistance to enable them to engage with the Open Data Initiative.