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Taking Care of Business: Nearly 200 attend free one-stop-shop event for small businesses in Limerick – Minister Alan Kelly

  • More than 25 State bodies come together to answer questions and provide advice to small business owners and managers
  • Focus on access to finance options for SMEs

Nearly 200 small business owners and managers today (Tuesday) attended a

one-stop-shop event for SMEs, ‘Taking Care of Business’, in the Strand

Hotel, Limerick.

This free half-day event was organised by the Department of Jobs,

Enterprise and Innovation to provide people thinking of starting a business

and existing entrepreneurs with the information they need from across the

public sector.

‘Taking Care of Business’ brought together more than 25 State bodies in two

strands with presentations in one area and information stands in a separate

area. The information stands were manned throughout the event by experts

who spoke directly to attendees and answered questions in an informal

setting; in the hall 18 concise presentations were given with a focus on

key regulatory requirements and assistance available to help entrepreneurs

develop their businesses.

Opening the event Alan Kelly TD, Minister of State at the Department of

Transport, Tourism and Sport, said: “Today’s ‘Taking Care of Business’

event was designed to give entrepreneurs and SMEs easy access to a broad

range of information that can help them in their business, from access to

finance options, to advice on compliance issues and financial grants. The

Government is determined to make 2014 the year for jobs; to make that

happen we have to make sure that business is getting the message about the

variety of State assistance on offer.

“One of the best things about ‘Taking Care of Business’ is the informal

atmosphere; attendees can talk directly to staff from over 25 State bodies

and get answers to questions they might be reluctant to ask in a different


The State bodies represented deal with a wide range of areas, including:

· Access to finance for SMEs;

· Assistance and supports from enterprise agencies and Local


· Tax, employment and Health & Safety obligations;

· Legal requirements for setting up and running a business;

· Requirements in areas such as food and environmental safety;

The event was organised in close co-operation with local agencies including

Limerick City and County Councils. A number of representative bodies from

industry supporting the event were available to talk to attendees,

including Limerick Chamber of Commerce. The presentation sessions during

the day were chaired by prominent people in the Limerick business


· Helen O’Donnell - entrepreneur, Chairperson of Limerick Tidy Towns

and Limerick Person of the Year 2012

· Mary Fitzgerald - Woodlands House Hotel, Adare

· Paul Collins - Mechanical Engineer and winner of National Enterprise

of the Year 2013

Minister Kelly said: “The high turnout today shows that business people in

Limerick and the surrounding region understand the benefit of attending an

event like this. It’s particularly encouraging to see people thinking of

starting a business finding out what they need to know; we need to support

ambitious people to go out there and create jobs with their businesses.

“I was also glad to see Enterprise Ireland, the Enterprise Europe Network

and the European Commission’s Representation in Ireland at the event; they

are helping entrepreneurs to learn how to start exporting to the wider

European market and beyond.”

Today’s event builds on a pilot event in October 2013 in Dublin Castle,

which was attended by 500 people. The feedback from the pilot was

overwhelmingly positive, with 89% of attendees surveyed finding the format

worked well and 80% agreeing that their business would benefit from having

attended. The 2014 events are expanding on the number of State bodies at

the pilot and bringing ‘Taking Care of Business’ outside Dublin, the most

frequent suggestion for future events.

Further ‘Taking Care of Business’ events will be held in Galway on March

25th and Cork on April 1st; to register for one of these events and for

more details including the running order of presentations and the full list

of State bodies attending, please visit

Another ‘Taking Care of Business’ event will take place in Dublin Castle on

October 16th.

Notes for Editors

The State office and agencies represented at the event included:

· Department of Social Protection

· Food Safety Authority of Ireland

· National Employment Rights Authority

· Data Protection Commissioner

· Environmental Protection Agency

· National Standards Authority of Ireland

· Competition Authority

· Companies Registration Office

· Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement

· Patents Office

· Equality Authority

· Health and Safety Authority (HSA)

· Limerick City and County Council, Clare County Council and North

Tipperary County Council

· Revenue

· Enterprise Ireland

· Limerick City Enterprise Board

· Microfinance Ireland

· Credit Review Office

· Pensions Board

· Personal Injuries Assessment Board

· SOLVIT (informal problem-solving network for EU citizens and


· Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

· InterTrade Ireland

· Government Skills Programmes (including Skillnets and


The event is supported by SFA, Chambers Ireland, ISME, IBEC, RGData, ACCA

and the Hardware Association of Ireland.