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Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Eamon Gilmore, T.D., publishes Progress Report on the Global Irish Economic Forum 2011

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Eamon Gilmore T.D., has published a detailed Progress Report on the Second Global Irish Economic Forum, which was held in Dublin Castle on 7 and 8 October 2011 [Progress Report]. Publishing the report the Tánaiste said:

“The Government’s robust and outcomes-focussed approach clearly demonstrates that we have moved quickly to ensure that the energy and determination shown by participants at the 2011 Global Irish Economic Forum has been translated into actions by Government Departments and State Agencies. I would like to reiterate the Government’s deep appreciation the members of the Global Irish Network and to the wider Diaspora for their direct assistance with our efforts to deliver economic recovery”.

Upon receipt of the Forum Report, the Government decided to focus on a select number of priority outcomes in areas such as job creation, inward investment, support for our SME and export sectors and enhancing our international reputation. The close alignment of Forum’s outcomes and the Government’s priorities has been key to successful and timely implementations.

The Tánaiste highlighted the level of progress achieved across the areas identified by the Government as priority areas for action following the publication of the Report of the Forum last November. These include:

· the Invest in Ireland Roundtable hosted by President Clinton and the Invest in Ireland Forum hosted by the Government in New York on 9 February. This enabled the Taoiseach, Tánaiste and Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation to present Ireland’s case for foreign direct investment to major US corporations who have yet to invest here;

· the establishment of a formal Advocacy system and the appointment of Advocates in key regions to work with our Missions and State Agencies in targeted sectors. The Advocates have been working with a number of Missions in preparing the overseas St. Patricks Day programme;

· with job creation a key focus of participants at the Global Irish Economic Forum, the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs 2012 identifies the important contribution Global Irish Network members are making to Ireland’s economic renewal. A number of specific elements contained in the Action Plan were advocated and supported by Forum participants including: the development by Enterprise Ireland of a programme to enable members of the Global Irish Network to contribute to the mentoring, coaching and sponsorship, of Irish companies; and the provision of support for indigenous small businesses to access to capital, in particular micro-financing;

· significant progress achieved in respect of specific initiatives closely aligned with the Forum and its objectives, including: the Gathering; a World Actors Forum, ‘a Davos for the Arts’, in 2013; and “Succeed in Ireland”;

· the introduction of amendments by the Minister for Justice and Equality to our visa arrangements to improve access to Ireland for those seeking to study and invest here;

· a new scheme to provide placements for Irish graduates in firms linked to Global Irish Network members;

· the development by members of the Global Irish Network of a new loan guarantee scheme, known as Síol, to complement the Government’s initiatives in this area;

· the introduction of a number of mechanisms to strengthen communications between the Government and members of the Global Irish Network including a regular e-letter from the Taoiseach and Tánaiste to members of the Network;

· the decision by the Export Trade Council on 16 February to formalise Global Irish Network involvement in Trade Missions;

· the establishment of an Advisory Group for the Global Irish Network to be co-chaired by the Taoiseach and Tánaiste and include Global Irish Network members from each of the main geographic areas represented at Dublin Castle. This group will be charged with coordinating the overall work programme for the Global Irish Network.

Praising the work of the Global Irish Network, the Tánaiste’s commented:

“The Network now comprises of some 350 highly influential individuals from almost 40 countries. At this challenging time for Ireland, groups like the Global Irish Network and others across the world can play an increasingly important role in facilitating investment into Ireland, in advising our exporters and in promoting our reputation. The energy and commitment to Ireland evident from Diaspora is a graphic reminder of the importance of our global Irish community as a source of soft power”.