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Tánaiste calls for accountability for the series of massacres in Syria

Responding to the reports of the killings in Tremseh in Syria, the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, T.D., said:“I share the absolute horror and revulsion at the reports of the latest massacre perpetrated in Tremseh.  Once again, the Assad regime stands indicted for waging war on its own citizens, rather than protecting them as is their responsibility.”The Tánaiste, in his appeal for an end to the violence, outlined the necessary next steps:“The need for a strong UN Security Council Resolution, under Chapter VII, is now long overdue. I urge all those members of the Security Council, and particularly Russia, who may have reservations about such a Resolution to look coldly and candidly at the facts of what is now taking place in Syria. If they do so, they must realise that the need for effective action on the part of the Council, imposing sanctions on those who continue to wage war on innocent civilians and fail to meet their obligations under the Annan Plan, is absolutely vital at this stage. The UN mission in Syria is also continuing to play a vital role and I hope its mandate will also be renewed by the Council next week. General Mood and his colleagues are best placed to fully investigate the facts of what has occurred in Tremseh and they must be allowed the freedom of movement and protection to do so by all sides in Syria. I again repeat that there has to be accountability for the appalling crimes and massacres witnessed in Houla, Qubair and now Tremseh. The Security Council should also consider referral of the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court.”