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Tánaiste publishes Ireland’s Economic Diplomacy in Action, 2013

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, T.D., has published the first annual report of the economic and promotional work undertaken abroad by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Ireland’s Economic Diplomacy in Action 2013 details the economic and promotional work undertaken by Ireland’s 56 embassies, 7 multilateral missions and 10 consulates around the world last year. The report shows how the diplomatic network continues to play a crucial role in supporting the Government’s strategy to increase trade, tourism and investment in Ireland.

On publication of the report, the Tánaiste said:

“Economic diplomacy is at the heart of the work carried out by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It has been vital to restoring our international reputation and supporting the economy in what has been an export-led recovery.

"The task of our diplomats around the world has been to advance Ireland’s economic and strategic interests, rehabilitate our international reputation in the wake of the crisis, coordinate Ireland’s promotional efforts across the globe, assist Irish exporters, recruit friends and allies including from the Diaspora, showcase Ireland’s strengths, and, in doing so, support economic growth and jobs back at home in Ireland.”

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is placing an increasing focus on the world’s emerging economies. For example, in 2013, the Department coordinated six visits by Government ministers to China, as well as supporting the largest ever tourism sales mission to China and a major campaign to attract international students from Brazil, resulting in ten times more Brazilian students coming to Ireland in 2013 than in 2010.

With new embassies now being established for the first time in the fast-growing economies of Thailand (Bangkok) and Indonesia (Jakarta) and Consulates General in the financial and business hubs of Hong Kong (China) and São Paulo (Brazil), and in the booming tech hub of Austin, Texas (USA), the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will continue to build on this work in 2014.

The Tánaiste added:

“Last week I announced the opening of five new embassies and three new consulates general across key markets in South East Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. This will allow us to take advantage of opportunities in key emerging markets and regions, and will provide a platform for further promotion of Irish exports, investment, tourism and education.

"This report also highlights the high level of cooperation between the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the IDA, Enterprise Ireland, Bord Bia, Tourism Ireland, other State agencies and Government Departments in delivering increased trade, tourism and investment in Ireland”

In 2013, working in close coordination with the State agencies and other Government Departments, Ireland’s embassy network:

Secured renewed market access for Irish products to nine international markets, including China (Irish seafood), Japan (Irish beef), Australia (Irish pig meat) and the Gulf region (Irish beef and sheep meat) with a combined population of 1.5 billion

Coordinated over 650 events to promote Irish tourism and ‘The Gathering’ from its worldwide launch in March 2012

Organised 70 focussed company engagements, as well as business events involving over 8,500 Irish and international company representatives, during the 2013 St Patrick’s Day period alone

Coordinated the work of Government and State agencies in each of Ireland’s 27 priority markets set out in the Government’s Trade, Tourism and Investment Strategy. (Since 2011, the Ambassador in each priority market chairs a Local Market Team comprising IDA, Enterprise Ireland, Bord Bia and Tourism Ireland staff to develop a coordinated trade, tourism and investment plan for Ireland in the market.)

Engaged with more than 1,150 representatives of international media to brief on Ireland’s economic recovery and promote Ireland as a destination for trade and investment. Positive media coverage reached more than 50 million people

Lobbied, influenced and negotiated for Ireland on issues that could impact our economic interests, including organising over 660 meetings to promote Ireland’s economic positions to office-holders. During the 2013 St Patrick’s Day period alone, private bilateral meetings were held with US President Barack Obama, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, US Secretary of State John Kerry and many more government ministers, members of the US Houses of Congress, national parliamentarians and decision-makers across the world.

Public diplomacy - directly promoted Ireland to audiences of over 778,000 around the world

Undertook more than 730 engagements designed to increase trade and investment in Ireland and support Irish jobs

Organised 136 visits with a significant economic or promotional dimension by government ministers or members of the Oireachtas to 52 countries. These high-level visits were designed to increase trade and investment in Ireland and support Ireland’s economic recovery.

In addition, the number of ministerial-led Enterprise Ireland trade missions, all organised with the support of the Embassy network, has more than doubled over the past two years �€ “ up from eight in 2011 and 16 in 2012 to a record number of 18 last year.


Press Office

2 February 2014


The full report is available at (direct link: It is a summary document based on the reporting of embassies, consulates and multilateral missions through 2013. There were no costs associated with the production of the report.

Ireland’s diplomatic network currently comprises 56 Embassies, 7 multilateral missions (including to the United Nations and the European Union) and 10 Consulates General and other offices. Through them, we maintain diplomatic relations with 176 states.

Ireland’s Embassies and Consulates General work very closely with the State agencies, including Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Bord Bia and Tourism Ireland, to promote exports, tourism and inward investment.

The new Embassies and Consulates General announced previously are as follows:


• Thailand (Bangkok)

• Indonesia (Jakarta)

• Croatia (Zagreb)

• Kenya (Nairobi)

• The Holy See

Consulates General

• Hong Kong, China

• Austin, Texas, the US

• Sao Paulo, Brazil

The cost of establishing the new missions is expected to come to a net €4.7 million annually, and will be covered from within the existing Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade budget. The new embassies and consulates will be small in size, ranging from one to three diplomatic staff.

Both embassies and consulates represent our Government within another country. Embassies are located in the capital of a country and headed by an Ambassador. Embassies focus on political and economic relations with the host country, as well as trade and consular assistance.

A Consulate General is a smaller representative office which carries out similar work in promoting trade and providing services to Irish citizens, particularly in large countries where Ireland has significant interests.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is leading a Review of the Government Strategy for Trade, Tourism and Investment in close collaboration with the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and other Government Departments and State Agencies involved in promoting trade, tourism and investment.

The Review, which will be presented in the near future by the Tánaiste, is designed to ensure that the State continues to coordinate its efforts overseas in a manner which yields the best possible economic return.

Further information


The World Bank describes it as “one of the great development success stories”. A country of increasing regional and global importance, it has considerable economic potential for Ireland in trade, investment, tourism and education.

Its economy is ranked at number 29 by the World Bank in terms of size.

Thailand is an innovation and ICT hub; EI and IDA have client companies there; there is high tourist and consular demand and strong potential in education and tourism to Ireland.

Approximately 65,000 Irish people visit Thailand each year.

Thailand has a youthful population of almost 70 million and an economy projected to grow by 4% this year.

English will be the common language of the ASEAN Economic Community from 2015.


A member of the G20 and ASEAN, Indonesia is South-East Asia’s largest economy and most populous state with a population of 250 million.

The economy is projected to grow by 6.4% in 2013, driven by strong consumer demand, a large, emerging middle class and rising investment. Total GDP is expected to top US$1 trillion in 2014.

Indonesia is the only South East Asian economy in the G20. The EU is promoting an ambitious Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).

Trade is growing and was up 15% year-on-year in 2011. Indonesia is Ireland’s 46th largest trading partner.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is an essential element in our relationship with China. As home to the largest Irish expatriate community in the country, it is a natural starting point for many Irish companies seeking to do business in China.

The new Consulate will cooperate closely with Enterprise Ireland and IDA in support of Irish business in Hong Kong and in the adjoining regions of China.

Hong Kong is China’s main financial hub for international business and a major springboard for exports to China.

The visit of then Vice President (and current President) Xi Jinping to Ireland last year, and the subsequent visit by the Taoiseach to China accompanied by a large trade delegation, marked a deepening of economic relations between Ireland and China.

Recently the National Pensions Reserve Fund (NPRF), and the Chinese sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corporation (CIC), announced the establishment of a $100 million fund to invest in fast-growing Irish technology companies with a strategic interest in China. The Tánaiste had discussed the prospect of a major investment by the Chinese Investment Corporation with its President, Mr Gao, last summer while leading a trade mission to China last summer.

Ireland and China have agreed to cooperate across a range of areas including trade, investment, food and agriculture, culture, science and technology, education, tourism and services.

China is a priority growth market for Irish companies. The new mission will assist the Embassy and EI to work to secure market access for Irish goods.

Overall merchandise trade with China was € 4.3 bn. Of this, merchandise trade with Hong Kong was valued at €710 m

São Paulo

Latin America’s largest economy and the world’s sixth largest, Brazil is a global player in trade and investment terms and a priority market for Irish companies.

A stronger presence in Brazil’s commercial capital, Sao Paulo will facilitate the access and information needed by Irish companies to find markets.

The mission will promote Ireland’s profile, support access for Irish companies and cooperate closely with Enterprise Ireland.

SÃ £o Paulo is an international leader in industry, from heavy to high tech; in banking and finance; in commerce; and in global trade.

The value of goods and services exported by EI clients in Brazil is valued at €256 million and is growing by over 10% annually.

Austin, Texas

Texas is the second largest state in the US. Its economy is growing strongly - gross state product in 2011 was $ 1.3 trillion.

Texas contains four of the fastest growing cities in the US, all within a 200 mile radius of each other: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin.

Due to its focus on hi-tech, innovative start-ups and emerging small and medium hi-tech businesses, Austin is known as ‘the Silicon Valley of the Future’. Enterprise Ireland has opened a temporary office there.

Irish interests include Austin’s role as an ICT hub and the presence of EI and IDA client companies.

The Texas state government is currently the number one recipient of FDI in the US. Among the sectors being promoted are biotechnology and life sciences, and ICT, which offer opportunities for Ireland both in terms of exports and investment.

Republic of Kenya

Kenya is the most important economy in Eastern and Central Africa, with a population of just over 40 million.

Value of Irish Exports

Export Market

Goods Exports 2012

€ million

Services Exports 2012

€ million










Hong Kong






United States





