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Tánaiste publishes progress report one year on from Global Irish Economic Forum

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Eamon Gilmore, T.D., today published the 12 month progress report on the 2011 Global Irish Economic Forum.  Commenting on its publication, the Tánaiste noted that: “a year ago, in response to the time and energy freely given by participants in Dublin Castle, the Taoiseach and I promised a robust follow up to the Forum.  While this report outlines the significant progress made across the whole of Government, it also clearly demonstrates the ability of the Global Irish Network and the wider Diaspora to deliver real, tangible economic benefits for the Irish at home and abroad in priority areas such as job creation, inward investment, support for our SME and export sectors and enhancing our international reputation.” Among the key outcomes of the Forum are:

 ·         The launch of the Global Irish Contacts programme which directly links the Diaspora with Irish companies looking to achieve international growth.  Over 100 participants from around the world have signed up with 20 direct engagements underway. 

·         Global Irish Network members across the globe promoting The Gathering Ireland 2013 which was launched at the Forum.  There are 38 confirmed Gatherings organised by Diaspora including the Spar International Annual Conference and the Irish Technology Leadership Group’s Silicon Valley comes to Ireland event; 

 ·         Some 300 companies have been suggested to ConnectIreland from people all over the world since the initiative was launched in March 2012.  The initiative is on target to create 5,000 jobs over the next five years.  The Chairman of Connect Ireland, Terry Clune is a Global Irish Network member. 

·         Network members directly facilitating job creation through the hosting of an “Invest in Ireland” roundtable with President Clinton in New York and in Dublin to coincide with the Navy v. Notre Dame football match.

 ·         The expansion of the Farmleigh Fellowship Programme in Asia- 45 Fellows will have completed the programme by the end of 2012.And

 ·         The involvement of local Network members in the planning and organising of trade missions in their respective regions.   

There were also a number of developments in the Action Plan for Jobs which are closely associated with the goals of the Forum and the Global Irish Network such as the appointment of successful Irish entrepreneurs to act as International Start-up Ambassadors; the launch of Bord Bia’s Ireland (China) and Ireland (US) Food Networks; the introduction of the Temporary Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme and the Micro Finance Fund and extension of the Irish Short Stay Visa Waiver Programme and the introduction of an Immigrant Investor Programme and the Start up Entrepreneur Programmes.

Paying tribute to all those involved in progressing the outcomes for the Forum, the Tánaiste commented that

 “Ireland is fortunate to be able to leverage the goodwill of our business and community leaders abroad.   Our economic recovery can only benefit from partnerships between the State’s agencies and our Diaspora. In Berlin yesterday I met the European-based members of the Global Irish Network to discuss the specific economic challenges and opportunities that exist for Ireland in Europe. One year on from the Forum, the Network continues to engage to contribute to Ireland’s economic recovery.”  

Notes for Editors

The Report published today provides an update on the key outcomes from the Global Irish Economic Forum that took place in Dublin Castle in October 2011.  The report can be viewed on the Forum’s website at

With some 350 members in almost 40 countries, the Global Irish Network provides Ireland with an invaluable source of international expertise.   The scope of the Network’s activities ranges from an advisory and facilitation role through to an ability to deliver, or assist with the delivery of, specific initiatives.   The Global Irish Network regional meeting in Berlin on 26 October brought together Network members based in continental Europe, Russia and Turkey and built on the success of similar regional meetings held since 2009 in the United States, Britain and Asia.  The meeting took place at the Embassy of Ireland  in Berlin and provided an opportunity to examine the specific economic challenges and opportunities that exist for Ireland in the region; to review and take forward the progress achieved since the 2011 Global Irish Economic Forum; and to preview Ireland’s Presidency of the European Union in the first six months of 2013.