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Tánaiste says referendum in Crimea is illegal

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, T.D, today called on the Russian Federation to halt any moves aimed at altering the status of Crimea as an integral part of Ukraine. In particular, he urged the immediate cancellation of the referendum to be held on Sunday regarding the future of the peninsula and its possible secession from Ukraine and absorption into Russia.

Speaking in Paris where he is representing the Government for the St Patrick’s Day celebrations, the Tánaiste said:

“Sunday’s referendum in Crimea is illegal. The results of the vote will be without legal effect. Ireland and the overwhelming majority of the international community does not recognise the legitimacy of the referendum nor will we accept the validity of the result, whatever that may be. Quite apart from its illegality, the heavy troop presence in Crimea means that the so-called referendum will not be conducted under what could be considered remotely acceptable conditions.”

The Tánaiste discussed the deepening political crisis in Ukraine with the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, on Thursday in Paris. The issue also arose in his meeting this morning with President Hollande. In the absence of any tangible moves by Moscow to de-escalate, the EU Foreign Ministers will need to impose further sanctions against the Russian Federation at their meeting on Monday, including targeted asset freezes and travel bans.

Speaking later, the Tánaiste noted that there is still time to defuse the crisis.

“Clearly the solution to the crisis must be found through negotiations between the Governments of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, including through potential multilateral mechanisms. Ireland and its EU partners have made it clear that such negotiations need to start without further delay. Moscow’s concerns over the position of the Russian-speaking population in Crimea can be peacefully addressed through various channels including the OSCE and Council of Europe.

“I urge them to use the multilateral machinery at their disposal to resolve this and other outstanding questions. In the meantime, Russia must immediately withdraw its armed forces back to the areas of their permanent stationing, in accordance with the relevant agreements”.